Megan hits Gold at the Inter-Region Championships

All of the hard work that young Woodfield player, Megan Jones has put into her training with head coach Chris Tarr, paid off handsomely at the weekend. Megan was representing the West Midlands at the Inter-Region Finals held in Kettering for U11’s. On Saturday it was the team event and Megan with her partner Erin Darwen won two out of three group matches. However on Sunday, Megan had an even better day and really showed what she can do by remaining unbeaten on the day, which saw her take the individual gold in the U11’s. In the final, Megan beat Isabelle Lacorte 3-0 (11,9 11,8 11,9).
This is a fantastic achievement for Megan in only her 2nd major finals event. Getting a Gold medal is a great reward for all the practice and preparation she has done in the past weeks and months.